Complaints and whistleblowing

  1. We would always hope that disagreements could be settled between individuals involved where possible. If this is not possible concerns regarding the behaviour of a group volunteer or staff member should be made to the Group Chairman.
  2. Complaints made to RDA National Office which relate to an individual member group will be referred back to the relevant Group Chairman, if the complainant has not already approached them.
  3. RDA UK will not act upon complaints made on behalf of third parties, with the exception of parents or a designated representative of RDA participants or volunteers. RDA UK will not act upon anonymous complaints.
  4. Complaints to RDA UK should be made as soon as possible after the incident has taken place.
  5. Complaints will be handled by RDA UK at a level that is appropriate given the nature of the complaint. Generally this will be as follows:

Concern about the behaviour of a group, volunteer or staff member that has not been possible to resolve at a group level

  • Complaint to be made to the County/Regional Chairman
  • If not resolved the complaint is to be referred to the RDA Director of Operations

Concern about the behaviour of a County or Regional Representative or member of National Committee

  • Complaint to be made to RDA Director of Operations
  • If not resolved the complaint is to be referred to the RDA CEO

Concern about the behaviour of a member of RDA National Office Staff

  • Complaint to be made to the RDA CEO
  • If not resolved the complaint is to be referred to the Chair of the RDA Board of Trustees

Concern about the behaviour of RDA UK Board Member or RDA CEO

  • Complaint to be made to Chair of RDA Board of Trustees
  • If not resolved the complaint is to be referred in writing to the RDA HR Committee

Concern about the behaviour of the Chair of the RDA Board of Trustees

  • Complaint to be made in writing to the RDA HR Committee
  1. When a complaint has been received by RDA UK, it will be acknowledged in writing within 48 hours and will include the process for dealing with the complaint.
  2. Upon receiving a complaint, an appropriate RDA UK representative will look into the background of the complaint and establish the facts relating to the situation.
  3. An RDA UK representative will respond in writing to complainants informing them of the outcome and any proposed action that is to be taken.
  4. Complainants have the chance to appeal a decision once and this will be to the next level of RDA UK. Appeals must be made within 30 days from receiving the written outcome of the initial complaint.
Page Last Updated: June 3, 2020