
Update 2021

Unfortunately the tracker is no longer supported by us as we have been unable to access the data held within the tracker from the provider.  We are aware that the website interface is no longer operational. 

We are looking at options for the future of the tracker with an aim to bring it back into service, but this is likely to be different to the current interface because as previously mentioned, we are no longer with the provider. 

We do need to be mindful of the timing of any work on the tracker as our resourcing priority in 2021 is to support groups to get back open following COVID-19 lockdowns.  It is therefore that the future of the tracker may not be resolved for some time. 

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause to you and your group in your use of the tracker. 



What is the Tracker?

The Tracker is a simple to use holistic tool to measure change delivered through RDA activities. Change is measured in six different areas. These areas are communication, physical changes, relationships, horsemanship, confidence and enjoyment. It consists of a Tracker Pad which is used to record rider assessments and a simple IT programme created to input the results of the assessments.

How can the Tracker benefit me?

Insights from the Tracker can help identify future targets and goals – with RDA coaches and therapists able to tailor lessons and activities accordingly. The results are printed out in a rosette style format and shared with family, carers, schools and funders, not only providing the opportunity for a rider to share their achievements but also for others to build on any therapeutic changes outside RDA sessions. You can also print out a seperate report to see the benefits of your group as a whole.

Working with the Tracker encourages volunteers to be more observant and engage more closely with riders. It also encourages volunteers to feel included and gives them a sense of purpose and value.

Having access to evidence about the therapeutic benefits of RDA activities is proving invaluable for grant applications, fundraising and publicity. All groups applying for RDA grants will be expected to be actively using the Tracker. Schools can use the Tracker evidence to justify the need for equestrian activities within school hours, sharing the results with school inspectors and local commissioners. One of the hardest things to do is translate data into an understandable and user friendly format and we think the Tracker has achieved this.

There is a guide available for using the Tracker, online IT Training sessions and group visits are also available.


Page Last Updated: May 21, 2021